Thursday, July 30, 2009

I'd have to say today I hit bottom and just had to lay in bed until time for my treatment. I couldn't believe what my body felt like when I tried to get out of bed this morning. My back was killing me, my ribs ached and it didn't feel very good just breathing. Up until lately, the effects of the radiation have been pretty superficial (the expected burn) and so on. Today was day treatment 29 off 33. These last 5 treatments are called "boosters" and are directly targeted at the site that the cancer was removed. At my doctor visit this week, I was told to expect increased side effects for about 2 weeks after my last treatment. I'ts kind of like cooking in the microwave, even after the "ding", the food still cooks for awhile!

Mine & Steve's 23rd Wedding Anniversary is approaching on August 16 and we are planning a little get-a-way and I'm really looking forward to being with my hubby for some quite time. We are delaying the trip until sometime probably in September so I will hopefully feel a little better by then. It gives me something to look forward to. He has been so patient with me and picked up a lot of slack at home ever since the news of the first abnormal mammogram back in January. Thank you for keeping your vows "in sickness and in health" (and all the other ones too)!

Thank you God for taking care of my every need even before I ask.

Headed to bed. Better days to come.

Monday, July 20, 2009

1 dozen left and I'm not talking about donuts!

We'll - time flies when you are having fun! Life does go on along this journey - there is just alot more pink!

Since I last posted, I was honored at a golf tournament (all the caps had pink ribbons embroideried on the back) - Thank you Anutie Bea & Uncle Wayne and all the Taliaferro Clan! It was a nice surprise and of course you had to make me cry.

We partied hard after Karson's graduation and yes - I cried again. I think I'm just getting old!

Let's see, we've been to the beach with family and had a good time. It's tradition and the radiation therapist even took all my tape & markings off so I could swim! Sweet surprise but I paid for it upon returning. I spent 45 minutes 3 days in a row doing x-rays trying to get marked back "just perfectly"! I just wanted to cry this time!

Yesterday was another "pink day" spent with the girls. This one was shared with my sister-in-law Andrea. She was diagnoised with Invasive Ductile Carcinoma in mid June and will be having surgery tomorrow morning. She has a long road ahead and I solicite your prayers on her behalf. We spent the day relaxing by the pool before she is out of comission for awhile. We were both given charm bracelets with some memorable charms, photo albums with scrapbooking stuff (did I mention pink), balloons, cards and there was tons of food. Thanks to all the girls for spoiling us - it was a bitter-sweet day. Oh yeah - I cried again.

This week-end, I think it has finally hit me. I just can't seem to get enough rest. My skin is getting pretty crispy and it's hard to get comfortable but it's all part of the deal. I'm just trying to lay low and get these last 12 treatments kicked out. (I have 7 more regular treatments and 5 "boosters" where they target the direct area that the cancer was removed). My last day will be August 5 (unless something changes) and there will be a celebration that day. They say you still continue to "cook" a little more after the treatments have ended but I'm still celebrating! (I don't think there will be any crying this time)!

Thanks for praying for me as I finish up this stage and for prayers for Andrea as she begins.

Love you all

Sunday, June 21, 2009

4 down - 29 to go!

The first days of radiation were OK. The waiting room is probably my most dreaded part at this point but that will probably change. Most of the ladies are a bit older than me and I really don't want to be a part of their group but I'm coming to terms with the fact that I am like them whether I want to be or not. The talk seems to be the same most everyday but Friday's are a little more upbeat - YEAH 2 days off! We chat about who will get called back first and how lovely we look in our gowns!

The daily rive on I-35 is pretty scary as well. There has been a wreck everyday YUCK! I arrive about 3:30 for my 3:45 apt and I'm usually in and out in 30 minutes or so. Every Tuesday after I'm zapped, I see my doctor (radiation oncologist) so she can assess the damage. Not too bad yet - just working on a weird little sun burn.

Monday morning I see the surgeon for yet another follow-up. Good thing I like her!

Business as usual . . . Thank you God for being my shadow even when the sun doesn't shine!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Did I mention I have a high school graduate???

Sorry for no posts in 3 weeks but did I mention I have a high school graduate? The last few weeks have been fast & and furious. Graduation was Tuesday evening and what a happy time it was! We've had lots of fun and one more party to go  - then it's back on this journey.  God's timing has amazed me in all of this. I have not had to miss a thing and for that I am grateful!

Since my last post, I've had two appointments with the radiation oncologist one at which I got my three (little but permanent) tattoos as well as being marked up with green sharpie! (Azle colors - how appropriate). Tomorrow (Friday 6/12) I will see my oncologist for a follow up visit. Monday (6/15) I will go back to the radiation therapist for a "mock" or should I say "undress rehearsal"! It will be just like the real thing but I won't get any rays. I will find out Monday what "time slot" I get for my daily appointments. Then, the fun actually begins the next day on Tuesday (6/16) when I get my first treatment. I'll make my daily trip (Monday-Friday) down to TX Oncology on 8th Ave. Thirty-three visits and I'll be all done with radiation. The radiologist said she would allow me 1 or maybe 2 days off for vacation but no more. How nice of her! This would put me finishing up around the beginning of August.

TX Oncology is a very nice place with 3 main waiting areas. On the first visit there, me & Steve discovered that if you walk in the door and sit in the middle area right in front of the check in desk, this is where all the "talkers" sit. If you don't want to talk about "what kind you have" or anything else for that matter, don't sit there! We deemed the waiting area on the right the "quite place". The ones in that section were either reading books or pamplets related to the disease, or sleeping or wishing they were asleep. Then the area on the left seemed to be ones that wanted to be occupied with something else besides cancer. There were puzzle tables, coffee table books & magazines that did not relate to the "C" word. This area seemed to be most fitting for the kids. There were many sick people there (lots of them in wheel chairs). Obviously some were going thru chemo too. I felt really out of place that day and I thank God even more for sparing me from the severity of the disease that many of these were experiencing. I pray they will be at peace and know God's love and His power to heal regardless of their circumstances.

Thanks for checking in on me and especially for your prayers. I'm doing great . . .
Much love-

Monday, May 18, 2009

Back in the Saddle again!

Surgery Friday was uneventful which is a good thing! I was going to say short & sweet but that would not be totally truthful! Anyway, I'm back in the saddle (or office chair) - saddle just sounded more fun! I will see the surgeon on Thursday morning (5/21) so she can tell me what a good job she did and confirm from the pathology report that all the cancer was removed. Then in the afternoon, I will have my first appointment with the radiation oncologist. (May get my tattoos that day - I'll let you know how that turns out!)

Thursday, May 14, 2009

So much for sleeping in on my day off!

I don't know about you but I'm not a morning person. If I have a day off work, I typically will do whatever I can to sleep at least a few minutes later than normal. Well - not tomorrow! I'm scheduled to be at the hospital at 5:30 am for surgery at 7:30. The good news is - I get to take a really good nap! Steve is excused from mowing the lawn tonight since we will need to leave the house at 4:45. Oh well - the sooner the better! Thanks for your prayers!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Surgery is scheduled . . .

I will have a lumpectomy (to remove more tissue to make sure they get clear margins) on Friday, May 15 at North Hills Hospital. I will be able to go home the same day just like last time! The surgeon & oncologist came to the agreement that the Sentinel Node Biopsy is not necessary. Yeah! I feel confident in there decision as it would be extremely unlikely that even one tiny cell would have spread to the lymph node.

After 4 weeks of healing, I should be ready to begin radiation (about Mid June). I've yet to meet with the radiation oncologist so I don't really have details to share about that yet. I'm enjoying a couple of weeks with no appointments but I'm gearing up for what's next . . . pre-op, surgery, post-op, radiation oncologist & oncologist appointments all on the books before June 12. But, check out this list . . . I feel good, I have a car & can drive, I have good insurance, good doctors, great family & extended family, very understanding boss, and a Father who holds my hand!